So I had heard rumors of Dragonlance coming back to Dungeons and Dragons in 2021, and what I had hoped that meant was the campaign setting as a whole, what we ended up getting was nonetheless an awesome option that is written from the perspective of one of the settings most famous characters Fizban the Fabulous, in “Fizban’s Treasure of Dragons”. Fizban’s Treasury… is a new supplement from Wizards of the Coast that focuses solely on dragons, and while I was initially not impressed by the announcement after spending just a few minutes with the book, I was immediately drawn in by it.

The first part of the book deals with dragon lore and this is narrated by Fizban, and is absolutely fascinating. The second part of the book touches down on character creation with three new subclass options from the 3 dragon’s available. If I had a character sheet next to me at the moment I would have been tempted to start rolling one up right then and there. There is also one more subclass option for Rangers.

After that we get sections on Dragon Magic, how it is used, how one can upgrade their equipment by leaving it within a dragon’s hoard as one important example. After that there is a section on how to role play a dragon. The next section is on a Dragon’s Hoard, how to design one, and a lair for a dragon. Then we get into the real meat of the book which is the Draconomicon chapter which details various species of dragons (20, I believe), and then we get a full dragon beastiary which acts as “Monster Manual” with a huge swath of stat blocks and descriptions for so many varieties of dragons it is absolutely overwhelming. This book is mostly for DM’s especially the latter chapters with designing lairs and various dragon details, but the earlier chapters with lore and character creation details should be enough to draw players in to the book, which is another fantastic 5e product from WOTC.