Month: January 2022

Blu-ray Review – Malignant – Warner Brothers

After being assaulted in her home by a mysterious assailant, Madison Mitchell (Annabelle Wallis) wakes up in the hospital to find that her abusive husband has been murdered and she’s suffered a miscarriage (her fourth). Due to the brutality of the crime and the lack of evidence to suggest that anyone else could’ve killed her…

Zeiram Blu-ray review

I first came across Zeiram in the early nineties where it played on television. I was reading a TV Guide and saw a listing for it where if I recall it played on the sci-fi channel. While I cannot recall the entire listing, the description something along the lines of “a bounty hunter has to…

Breakheart Pass Blu-ray review

Based on the novel by Alistair MacLean, Breakheart Pass is a 1975 Western mystery film about a man thought to be an outlaw, comes aboard a train, and finds himself in a situation where murders are taking place during the long ride. Screen icon Charles Bronson is John Deakin, a man looking to solve a…