Month: March 2022

Blu-ray Review – Master of the World – Vinegar Syndrome

Two hundred thousand years ago, a somewhat more smarter than the average caveperson named Bok runs afoul of not one, but two warring tribes. One group are a bunch of murderous dickweeds, and the other are a bunch of murderous dickweeds who also eat the brains of their foes. There’s some romance between Bok and…

Ben Reads the Horror Classics: Alone with the Obscure and Empty Revenge Touches

I’m back y’all with another round of book write-ups on this kooky journey I’ve set out on. It’s been a fun one too. What I’ve determined after reading over a hundred of these books so far is that guess what? I LIKE HORROR FICTION, FOLKS! This is why it delights me to bring you another…

Knocking [Yellow Veil Pictures Blu-ray] Review

Knocking arrives on blu-ray courtesy of Yellow Veil Pictures, one of Vinegar Syndrome’s many partner labels. Molly (Cecilia Milocco) has just moved into a new apartment after an implied tragedy in her recent past which landed her in a psychiatric hospital for a stint. Not long after settling in, she begins to hear rhythmic knocking…

Blu-ray Review – Don’t Go in the House – Severin Films

Dan Grimaldi plays blue collar worker Donny “I’m not Donny Osmond” Kohler who becomes somewhat troubled after his abusive mother finally kicks the bucket. At first, he’s overjoyed to be free of her tyranny, but he’s so deranged that he starts doing what every boy does without his mommy around: he takes a flamethrower and…