Category: Blu-ray

Blood and Snow [Cleopatra] Blu-ray Review

Things begin to go quickly awry when two scientists in the Arctic tundra discover the site of a meteorite impact. The meteorite is far from benign though. Something from the stars has hitched a ride and kills the male scientist, leaving the female scientist Marie (Anne-Carolyne Binette) infected. A nearby research base rescues Marie and…

Three Revolutionary Films by Ousmane Sembene [Criterion Collection] Blu-ray Review

In Emitaï, a small Diola village is being provoked by French colonialists during World War II by being forced to give them their rice harvest as a tax imposed on them. The women of the village begin to organize and push the men of the village to take a stand against the French. One way…

Coup de Chance [MPI] Blu-ray Review

Husband and wife Fanny (Lou de Laage) and Jean (Melvil Poupaud) seem like they have a blessed existence, a perfect portrait of matrimonial bliss. They are the ideal upper middle class power couple, living in an upscale neighborhood in Paris and are still able to generate real love for one another. At least, that’s how…

Blind War [Well Go USA] Blu-ray Review

SWAT captain Dong Gu (Andy Oh) makes a bad call during a violent siege at a courthouse caused by insane terrorists that, while made with good intentions, was counter to politically motivated demands. As a result, several of his men are injured or killed, and while he does manage to take down the head terrorist,…

We Go On [Lightyear Entertainment] Remastered Blu-ray Review

Miles Grissom (Clark Freeman) is terrified of dying and issues a challenge that he will pay $30,000 to anyone who can offer definitive proof of the afterlife. Mike’s mother (Annette O’ Toole), concerned about her son’s mental well-being, helps pore through the large volume of letters, e-mails and videos Mike receives from people claiming they…

Peeping Tom [Criterion] 4K UHD Blu-ray Review

Mark Lewis (played amazingly well by Carl Boehm) is a focus puller at a film studio who, as a side gig, also takes provocative photos of women for money. The ladies find Mark cute but a bit aloof, not realizing that he holds a dark secret rooted in his childhood. Mark is a murderer of…

Hey Folks! It’s the Intermission Time Video Party! [AGFA] Blu-ray Review

Ah… Can you smell that buttery stale popcorn? Look at all those boxes of brightly-colored, tooth-rotting candy confections! Put down your life savings to buy soda by the bucket! That’s right… We’re going to the movies. As you walk into the auditorium, you hear the familiar skrriitch, skrriiitch of the bottom of your shoes as…

Frivolous Lola [Cult Epics] 4K Blu-Ray Review

Lola (or Monella in the original Italian) is a carefree, impish girl who wants to “seal the deal” with her fiancé Masetto, a local baker who insists on waiting until their wedding night before consummating the marriage. But Lola wants to test his sexual prowess before being saddled to him forever. This leaves Lola sexually…

Deathdream [Blue Underground] 4K UHD Blu-ray Review

It’s a cold, sad night for the Brooks family. Christine (Lynn Carlin) wants nothing more than for her son Andy (Richard Backus) to come home from Vietnam and implores the heavens to bring him back. Unfortunately, soon the family receives a letter than Andy has been killed in Vietnam. The thing is, Andy does come…

Common Law Wife and Jennie Wife/Child Blu-rat review

Exploitation film fans will get a kick out this Blu-ray release from Film Masters. Entitled the “Backwoods Double-Feature”, this has a pair of “hicksploitation” (an exploitation film from the South) films in Common Law Wife and Jennie Wife/Child, which have been restored in 4K! Common Law Wife has a wealthy old coot named Shugfoot Rainey…