Category: Blu-ray

The Terror / The Little Shop of Horrors (Film Masters) Blu-ray review

Film Masters has released another Roger Corman classic double-feature on Blu-ray! This time around it’s The Terror and The Little Shop of Horrors. Both films feature the iconic actor Jack Nicholson along with Corman regulars Dick Miller and Jonathan Haze. Taking place in 1906, The Terror has André Duvalier (Jack Nicholson, Batman, The Shining, Chinatown),…

Tombs of the Blind Dead – Blu-ray Review (Synapse Films)

As any historian will tell you, the Knights Templar were thirsty bros. They were into some decidedly not nice things like witchcraft (the bad kind), flaying people alive, and blood drinking. After they were convicted of these things and tied to stakes, some birds pecked out their damn eyes. Don’t judge! A bird is gonna…

Stella Maris (1918 film) Blu-ray review

VCI Entertainment has once again dug into the Mary Pickford vaults, releasing another great silent starring the legendary actress. Stella Maris is a 1918 classic silent drama where she plays two completely different characters, and both happen to fall in love with a married man! The film is based on William John Locke’s 1913 novel…

Horrors of the Black Museum Blu-ray review

Horrors of the Black Museum is a British horror film which stars legendary horror actor Michael Gough doing what he does best- playing a charming, yet sinister villain who is behind a series of murders which he then writes books about them!   In this picture, Michael Gough (Horror of Dracula, Konga, Trog) is Edmund…

Ghost Nursing – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

Jackie (Shirley Yim) is a gambling addict who got herself into some serious trouble when her boyfriend’s jewel heist went awry. Now she’s on the run and heads to Thailand where her pal hooks her up with a job as a sex worker, which she is absolutely not into. When that too goes completely wrong,…

Dracula (The Dirty Old Man) – Blu-ray Review (AGFA/Vinegar Syndrome)

One night, Dracula wakes up thirsty for blood but also, he’s horny as hell. He hypnotizes Mike Waters, a newspaperman or lawyer or something (who looks vaguely like Wayne Newton), enslaves him, and then turns the guy into Irving Jackalman, a werewolf or werejackal. Dracula then commands Irving to bring him some lovely ladies so…

Vacation of Terror 1 & 2 – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

In Vacation of Terror (1989), a bunch of sepia-toned villagers tie a witch to a tree and give her plenty of time to curse everyone before they imprison her soul in a doll and throw it down a well. Also, they set the witch on fire. Flash forward to the greatest decade that ever was…

The Abomination Blu-ray Review [Visual Vengeance]

From director Bret McCormick (Repligator, Ozone: Attack of the Redneck Mutants) comes this delirious lo-fi special effects-on-the-cheap romp. A grown ass man named Cody lives with his religious nut mother who is obsessed with a specific televangelist. When his mom vomits up a carnivorous, sentient tumor, Cody is dismayed to find that the tumor has…

Ghoulies II – Blu-ray Review (MVD Rewind)

A man running with a bagful of ghoulies with a bunch of cloaked figures hot on his trail starts this story off. The man is less than successful at destroying the little monsters than he’d hoped. Now the ghoulies have hitched a ride on a carnival caravan and take up residence in the spookhouse. This…

The Scarlet Letter (1934) Blu-ray review

The Scarlet Letter is a 1934 drama on a topic that was highly sensitive at the time, adultery. The story involves a married woman who has an affair, and a child out of wedlock and is publicly condemned and humiliated shortly thereafter. During this time in our history, adultery was extremely taboo and highly deviant…