Category: Blu-ray

Crazy Samurai 400 x 1 Blu-ray review

Director Yûji Shimomura’s story of Crazy Samurai 400 x 1 is nothing more than a tale of revenge. In this film, taking place in the year 1604, Miyamoto Musashi (Tak Sakaguchi) attacked the Yoshioka family at their dojo and defeated their master, Seijūrō and his younger brother Denshichirō in two duels. To honor and save…

My Favorite Blonde Blu-ray review

Comedy legend Bob Hope turned every ‘serious’ film genre into something hysterical. He was able to incorporate comedy into Westerns, horrors, dramas and even spy thrillers with including laughter with the shocks, scares and suspense! He used his wits and nuttiness in the 1942 classic spy thriller comedy My Favorite Blonde, which co-starred someone who…

The Kiss Before the Mirror Blu-ray review

When the name James Whale is mentioned, cinephiles will automatically think of Frankenstein when identifying the legendary director, and rightfully so. He will always be known for his outstanding direction on the Frankenstein films and other classic horrors from the 1930’s such as The Old Dark House and The Invisible Man. Obviously, his resume goes…

A Scream in the Streets Blu-ray review

A Scream in the Streets is 1973 sexploitation film about two Los Angeles detectives Officers Ed Haskell and Bob Streeker (Joshua Bryant and Frank Bannon, respectively) that are assigned to track down and arrest a brutal rapist-murderer terrorizing the city. The assignment is a bit tricky because the killer disguises himself as a woman.  While…

Ingagi Blu-ray review

For those who think the 1933 King Kong was the first film to have a sexual suggestion between a woman and an ape are in for surprise. As it turns out, three years earlier, the film Ingagi explored that idea with an arguably stronger suggestion. Ingagi is a 1930 pre-code documentary style film about an…

Blu-ray Review – Nosferatu in Venice – Severin Films

Nosferatu in Venice is a Klaus Kinski-starring pseudo sequel to the classic Nosferatu directed by Werner Herzog and starring Kinski. But aside from sharing Nosferatu in the title, the vampire aspect, and Kinsky nothing else relates, And I am totally cool with that. Eurohorror pseudo sequels, are never not interesting to me, and Nosferatu in…

UHD Review – Perdita Durango/Day of the Beast

Every since I saw Accione Mutante as a teenager I was a fan of Alex De La Iglesia. The problem has always been that his film’s have always been hard to come by. I saw Day of the Beast when I managed to oddly find a copy at a Blockbuster I worked at (which also…

Blu-ray Review – Forgotten Gialli Vol. 3 (Vinegar Syndrome)

Vinegar Syndrome’s Forgotten Gialli box sets are some of the most exciting releases to hit the market in some time. I will admit to being an obvious mark for them running a site called EuroCultAV, but nonetheless, I anticipate each one highly, and Volume 3 was no different. The third box contained what I’ll say…

UHD Review – SexWorld – Vinegar Syndrome

Although 1978’s Sex World is a porno variation on the premise of Westworld, it’s not exactly a parody. The movie makes explicit what the earlier, PG-rated movie heavily implied – that, if a futuristic fantasy vacation like the one in the film existed, its main appeal would be for tourists to live out their wildest…

Blu-ray Review – Rick and Morty – Complete Seasons 1-5

I feel like Rick and Morty at this point really needs zero introduction. The animated smash-terpiece created by Gravity Falls Justin Roiland and Community’s Dan Harmon has just recently finished it’s 5h season to its usual critical acclaim, and apparently no breakout fights at fast food restaurants in the process. The show’s premise is simple….