While ECAV’s bread ‘n’ butter is all about soaking in the effervescent glow of the television screen, basking in the splendor of the goopfests of Joe D’Amato, the eroto-vampire flicks of Jean Rollin and the twisty and beautiful films of Dario Argento, we also have other interests here. We read, folks! We like to chill…
Tabletop Review – Expeditions – Stonemaier Games
By now you’ve probably heard of Scythe, board game geek’s 2016 pick for Game of the Year, and the many accolades it has received since taking our collective consciousness by storm with its fun strategy mechanics and wild theme. If you haven’t, you should probably rectify that. That said, stepping out from the shadows of…
Tabletop Review – Apiary – Stonemaier Games
It only took two words to pique my interest over Stonemaier’s latest release. Space Bees. The mechanics, the pieces, and everything else aside, those two words completely hooked me. What can I say? A good concept goes a long way for me. All of that information aside, the game itself is delightful. Newcomer Connie Vogelmann…
Tabletop Review – Meeples and Monsters(AEG)
Meeples & Monsters, a game by Ole Steiness from AEG Reviewed by Ryan Miller When Meeples & Monsters was originally described to me, words like “deck” and “building” were pasted together with the word “game” to form a strange Frankenstein’s Monster that I could not escape in my head. While I’m thankful that my active…
Tabletop Review – Ahoy! – Leder Games
Since pirates are almost always in fashion, I reveled in the chance to play Leder Games’ new entry into asymmetric board gaming. Right off the bat it has a lot going for it. 1. It has pirates. 2. It has anthropomorphic pirates. Those two things are always a fun combination. It of course helps that…
Tabletop Review – Wingspan Asia – Stonemaier Games
Wingspan: Asia Expansion by Stone Maier Games by Ryan Miller I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Wingspan might be the best game I’ve played in the last ten years. It’s engine-building and resource management are some of the best I’ve played in any board game. Even beyond the tight refinement of it’s…
Point Salad [Tabletop Review]
Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) brings to the table a fun, little card-drafting game that’s quick and easy to learn but with a depth of strategy that provides lots of replay value. First let’s break down the basic stats on it. Number of players: 2 – 6 (The game provides instructions to adjust the number of…
Tabletop Review – Libertalia – Winds of Galecrest – Stonemaier Games
Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest by Stonemaier Games Review by Ryan Miller Do you like pirates? How about sky pirates? How about anthropomorphic sky pirates? If you’re like me, at least one of those items are going to et your attention. Originally released in 2012 without the subtitle, this updated version of the game ditches the…
Tabletop Review – Oath: Chronicles of Empire & Exile – Leder Games
As the year ends people often throw out terms of endearment surrounding various formats and genres of entertainment. Some entries fall in place somewhere in a top ten list and others get labeled best of the year. People love telling you what to buy your loved ones, or yourself, for Christmas. From Comics to Movies,…
EuroCultAV Holiday Gift Guide Part II – Books and Board Games
For a pandemic year so much amazing has come out, we couldn’t help, but expand the guide into multiple pages, each with their own category. Here are our favorite books and board games (and game related books) of 2021, there are also, some board games from prior years on here. Because of the pandemic we…
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