Category: Tabletop

Scott at the Tabletop Vol. 1 (March 2025)

Scott at the Tabletop #1 (March 2025) I have been hooked on tabletop gaming since I got the red box Classic Dungeons and Dragons game around age 12. I cut my teeth on RPG’s ranging from the aforementioned D&D to Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu and Vampire – the Masquerade as well as playing various TCG’s…

Tabletop RPG Roundup – March 2024 (Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Traveller, Alien, MORE)

RPG Review Roundup – March 2024 The past few months a good amount of RPG supplements have made it into my mailbox, and passed before my retinas. There are so many great systems, and books out there and deciding which to pick up and use is getting increasingly difficult with the massive amounts of content….

Tabletop Review – Expeditions – Stonemaier Games

By now you’ve probably heard of Scythe, board game geek’s 2016 pick for Game of the Year, and the many accolades it has received since taking our collective consciousness by storm with its fun strategy mechanics and wild theme. If you haven’t, you should probably rectify that. That said, stepping out from the shadows of…

Tabletop Review – Apiary – Stonemaier Games

It only took two words to pique my interest over Stonemaier’s latest release. Space Bees. The mechanics, the pieces, and everything else aside, those two words completely hooked me. What can I say? A good concept goes a long way for me. All of that information aside, the game itself is delightful. Newcomer Connie Vogelmann…

Tabletop Review – Traveller – Marches Adventures 1-5, Secrets of the Ancients, Central Supply Catalogue 2023

The thing about starting a new game-system is knowing how to flesh it out. There is usually 1-2 established pathways, that longterm players will suggest to familiarize newcomers, but what then? If you’re playing D&D 5E, you’re told to get the starter set and Lost Mines of Phandelver, Call of Cthulhu has a starter set,…

Tabletop Review – Planescape – Adventures in the Multiverse – Wizards of the Coast

Planescape was an important milestone in my progression as a player and DM when I got a copy of the boxed set as a teenager in the 1990’s. When I got into Advanced D&D I was immediately excited for the “Forgotten Realms” which seemed so FANTASTIC and so MASSIVE, and then the Ravenloft – Realms…

Tabletop Review – Pirate Borg (Free League)

Mork Borg is interesting. I found the game through a recommendation from a friend, and being that it’s described as a doom metal (it’s more black in my eyes) fantasy RPG I knew it had to be part of my collection. Early on I played a few games, and found it a pretty awesome way…

Tabletop Review – Cults of Runequest – Prosopaedia/Mythology (Chaosium)

I am not actively running a RuneQuest campaign right now, and yet I’ve probably gotten more out of the Cults of Runequest series than any other RPG book I’ve read this year. The reason being is I’ve ended up treating them, like I treated my well-worn childhood copy of D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths and…

Tabletop Review – Dungeons and Dragons – Phandelver and Below – The Shattered Obelisk

I’ve written about this elsewhere, but I started my RPG-adventures with the final D&D Basic box sometime around 1993 (yes Basic apparently still was getting reissued in 1993). In the late 90’s early 2000’s I stopped playing and got back in around 2015, just in time for D&D 5E to hit, I got the 3…

Tabletop Review – Kult : Divinity Lost – Core Rulebook/The Black Madonna (Modiphius)

If you don’t notice the graphics of the blog you’re at, it is pretty much horror in nature. I’ve been a fan of horror in film, games, literature since I was a child back in the 80’s. In the 90’s and even recently I brought horror to the tabletop in the form of TTRPG’s like…