Category: Tabletop

Tabletop Review – Runequest – Cults of Runequest – The Lightbringers/Earth Goddesses

I love fictional settings with deep mythologies. I have seen every single episode of Star Trek and Doctor Who, and if you were to quiz me on them, I could probably turn around an answer rather quickly. Why do I bring this up? This is one of the main things I love about tabletop roleplaying…

Tabletop Review – Cyberpunk Red – Danger Gal Dossier – (R. Talsorian Games)

After having the Cyberpunk Red – Core Rulebook in my possession since 2021, I have finally got a full campaign of the game going. In that time I have read the book cover to cover multiple times preparing for one-shots that never happened, and reading each book that R. Talsorian put out to review for…

Tabletop Review – Delta Green – Night at the Opera/Impossible Landscapes (Arc Dream Publishing)

For this week’s tabletop review let’s discuss Arc Dream’s Delta Green RPG, before segueing into 2 important supplements for the RPG the module collection “Night at the Opera” and the King in Yellow inspired campaign “Impossible Landscapes”. Delta Green took life as a Call of Cthulhu setting designed by John Scott Tynes, Adam Scott Glancy,…

Tabletop Review – Old School Essentials (Necrotic Gnome/Exalted Funeral)

I started playing RPG’s due to the influence of the mid 80’s Dungeons and Dragons cartoon. I remember finding out swiftly after watching that it was based on a game, less swiftly was I able to secure a copy of the game itself. I don’t exactly remember the exact time-frame between seeing the cartoon on…

Tabletop Review – Meeples and Monsters(AEG)

Meeples & Monsters, a game by Ole Steiness from AEG Reviewed by Ryan Miller When Meeples & Monsters was originally described to me, words like “deck” and “building” were pasted together with the word “game” to form a strange Frankenstein’s Monster that I could not escape in my head. While I’m thankful that my active…

Tabletop Review – Ahoy! – Leder Games

Since pirates are almost always in fashion, I reveled in the chance to play Leder Games’ new entry into asymmetric board gaming. Right off the bat it has a lot going for it. 1. It has pirates. 2. It has anthropomorphic pirates. Those two things are always a fun combination. It of course helps that…

Tabletop Review – Cyberpunk Red – Black Chrome – R. Talsorian Games

Cyberpunk Red came out at the perfect time for me, after 20 years of not playing table top RPG’s and board games, I got back in with a vengeance. I immediately got back into my old standards like Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, took a look at Shadowrun, but that look was brief, and…

Tabletop Review – Traveller – High Guard Update 2022 – Mongoose Publishing

I am currently obsessed with Mongoose Traveller 2E. I’d say this is odd, because I’ve run the system at this point one time, but I think that nails it, I’m hungering to play it more. The system which was created in the late 70’s as a science fiction response to D&D by legendary game designer…

Tabletop Review – Tiny Towns – AEG

AEG’s Tiny Towns is a tabletop game with a lot going for it. The objective is clean and clear; you are the mayor of a burgeoning town, and it’s up to you to design the architectural layout and create an environment that will keep your townspeople fed, fulfilled, and entertained. Setup is straightforward, all ages…

Tabletop Review – Wormholes – AEG

Despite my love for former AEG franchise, Legend of the Five Rings, I never looked beyond this into AEG’s current crop(or even former crop) of board games. I’d played War of Honor and L5R Love Letter, but for some reason I never tried anything else. There have even been games that have caught my attention…