Category: Tabletop

Tabletop Review – Oath: Chronicles of Empire & Exile – Leder Games

As the year ends people often throw out terms of endearment surrounding various formats and genres of entertainment. Some entries fall in place somewhere in a top ten list and others get labeled best of the year. People love telling you what to buy your loved ones, or yourself, for Christmas. From Comics to Movies,…

EuroCultAV Holiday Gift Guide Part II – Books and Board Games

For a pandemic year so much amazing has come out, we couldn’t help, but expand the guide into multiple pages, each with their own category. Here are our favorite books and board games (and game related books) of 2021, there are also, some board games from prior years on here. Because of the pandemic we…

Tabletop Review – Alien RPG – Colonial Marines Operations Manual – Free League Publishing

So when it comes to the Alien franchise I will admit I lean more to the horror side of things. That means when I revisit the franchise, and I’m not marathoning them in order, my go-to’s are the original and Alien 3 (assembly cut). Yet, oddly even though the action-packed Aliens is my outlier in…

Tabletop Review – Scythe – Stonemaier Games

Scythe Review by Ryan Miller (July 2021) By now I shouldn’t have to tell you what a great game Scythe is. In the five years since it arrived on game shelves it has garnered countless rave reviews as a damn near perfect game and it even sits comfortably on Board Game Geek’s top twenty resting…

Tabletop Review – Dungeons and Dragons – Wild Beyond the Witchlight – Wizards of the Coast

I’ve been playing Dungeons and Dragons, basically since 2E in the early 90’s. I say basically since my first edition was a “Classic” box I bought earlier. If there is one thing D&D (or AD&D when I started) was and is known for it is combat. For the last year and a half I’ve been…

Tabletop Review – Dungeons and Dragons – Fizban’s Treasure of Dragons – Wizards of the Coast

So I had heard rumors of Dragonlance coming back to Dungeons and Dragons in 2021, and what I had hoped that meant was the campaign setting as a whole, what we ended up getting was nonetheless an awesome option that is written from the perspective of one of the settings most famous characters Fizban the…

Tabletop Review – Anomaly – Tabletop Tycoon (Starling Games)

Anomaly by Starling Games -Ryan Miller I have very little experience with deduction and hidden movement based games. I played AEG’s fantastic Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan long ago when(back when L5R was still fun), but beyond that, I can’t say I have much exposure to them. I want to thank Starling Games for…

Getting Started with Call of Cthulhu – A Tabletop Primer

So you want to get started playing Call of Cthulhu? Maybe you’ve been playing D&D a few years and want a new experience, or maybe you have just been interested in tabletop roleplaying, and horror is more your thing. Regardless of the reason, Chaosium, the publisher of Call of Cthulhu has made getting into the…

Tabletop Review – Hansa Teutonica – Pegasus Spiele

Hansa Teutonica came into my awareness during a board game discussion with a few friends in the last 6 months. I went searching for a copy only to come up short. Interesting that in that time the company behind it Pegasus Spiele would decide to re-release it in a “Big Box form. I’ll say this…

Tabletop Review – Block Ness – Blue Orange Games

Block Ness by Blue Orange Games – Ryan Miller Years ago I was introduced to a game called Blockus by my nephews on my wife’s side of the family. It was a fun little game in which players place Tetris-like pieces on a square board to control an area. There was a lot to like…