Vigilante is Bill Lustig’s follow up to his now classic slasher Maniac. The film tells the story of Eddie Marino (Robert Forster), a factory worker with a house, his wife Vickie (Rutanya Alda), and 3 year old son Scott (Dante Joseph). One day his wife stands up to some members of a street gang that…
UHD Review – Tremors – Arrow Video
There were actually quite a decent number of creature-features in the 90’s everything from Deep Rising to Mimic and beyond, but if we are going to rate them all, only one truly comes out on top and that would be 1990’s Tremors, directed by Ron Underwood and starring Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward. This film…
EuroCultAV’s Best of and Holiday Gift Guide 2020
I can’t believe I’m already writing a best of for 2020. I feel like I’m speaking for the entire population of the planet when I say that his year just dragged. That being said in the midst of this there has been lots of cool pop-culture awesomeness released into the market. I don’t order these…
UHD Review – Deadly Games – Dial Code Santa Claus (Vinegar Syndrome)
I’ll just straight out admit that I did not anticipate what I got with Deadly Games – Dial Code Santa Claus (36.15 Code Pere Noel). I thought I had the killer Santa movie thing down at this point and had seen them all. I was wrong, very very wrong, and what I got here was…
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows is the sequel to the 2009 blockbuster Sherlock Holmes. The film brings back the several key actors, Robert Downey, Jr. Jude Law, Eddie Marsan and Kelly Reilly. While the consensus is sequels usually are not nearly as good as the first film this movie does succeed in being every…
When Robert Downey Jr. took on the role of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, I had some concerns about him being the choice to play the part of the legendary character. In part because he did not have the right look, and because many of his roles were for comedies. I thought his portrayal…
UHD Review – Daughters of Darkness – Blue Underground
Daughters of Darkness is one of many lesbian vampire films from the early 70’s. It is also one of the best films of that particular sub-genre. Daughters of Darkness, unlike other films of the era, takes a less cliched approach to vampire mythology, and as such has more in common with a film such…
UHD Review – Full Metal Jacket (Warner Brothers)
Full Metal Jacket has always been a decisive movie in Stanley Kubrick’s filmography. There has been never a dispute that the opening half of the film is a stone cold cinema classic with it’s view trained on a group of Marines in brutal basic training. The 2nd half of the film sees the results of…
UHD Review – Ghost in the Shell (Anime, 1995, Lionsgate)
Ghost in the Shell is a film I’ve lived with for a long time. The film was released originally in 1995, and SOMETIME in the late 1990’s I saw it for the very first time on VHS. I immediately fell for it’s hyperactive, cyber-sci-fi charms, and amazing action, coupled with a style of animation that…
UHD Review – New York Ripper (Blue Underground)
The late great horror journalist Chas Balun wrote a small booklet in honor of Lucio Fulci shortly after the maestro’s death in 1996. It was titled Beyond the Gates, and is well worth checking out if you are a Fulci fanatic, as I am. It is fairly short, and not very in depth, but it…
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