Tag: 1987

Demon of Paradise Blu-ray review

Demon of Paradise is basically, for all intensive purposes, a Filipino version of Creature from the Black Lagoon. The difference is, this movie is a cheesy horror film from the 80s with severely hammy acting, tons of gun violence and an odd-looking monster, as opposed to a well-made, well-produced and well-acted 50s B-movie, which Creature…

Programmed to Kill Blu-ray review

Programmed to Kill aka Retaliator is a science fiction action thriller directed by Allan Holzman that stars Robert Ginty and Sandahl Bergman with the latter that becomes a lethal cyborg with the desire to kill. Yes, it’s another movie that borrows some elements of The Terminator. In this movie, ex-CIA agent Eric Mathews (Robert Ginty,…