In the post-apocalyptic future, mankind has started to live underground until a group of bikers try to start fresh. They soon discover an abandoned building with all of the riches of the past. Like Sugar and flower. Their victory is soon crushed when they run into a horde of flesh hungry rats. RATS is another healthy dose of movie cheese from Italian exploitation director…
Hansel and Gretel (88 Films) Blu-ray Review
While driving to see his sick mother, Eun-Soo (Chun Jung-myung) loses control of his car and crashes near a mysterious stretch of woods. As he tries to find help he wanders into the woods and passes out. As he comes too he finds himself in the company of a strange little girl (Shim Eun-kyung). She…
Gifted (88 Films) Blu-ray Review
After working for the same company for 8 years, Min-soo (Beom-Jun Kim) finds himself without a job. Fearing what his financially obsessed girlfriend Soo-Jin (Jung-hwa Bae), will think, he tries to find a new job as soon as possible. Soo-jin finally gets a chance to buy a coffee shop of her own, but drama begins…
Eyeball (88 Films) Blu-ray Review
A group of tourists in Barcelona are menaced by a red raincoat wearing maniac. The killer could be any one of them, but all eyes are on Mark (John Richardson) who suddenly joins the group. Speaking of eyes, it seems the killer has a thing for them as it removes the victim’s left eye. The…
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