The Scarlet Letter is a 1934 drama on a topic that was highly sensitive at the time, adultery. The story involves a married woman who has an affair, and a child out of wedlock and is publicly condemned and humiliated shortly thereafter. During this time in our history, adultery was extremely taboo and highly deviant…
The Debut Blu-ray review
Iconic Dutch director Nouchka van Brakel, who was responsible for A Woman Like Eve which focused on lesbianism, previously explored something even more taboo. In her 1977 film, The Debut (AKA Het Debuut), she conjured up a story about another controversial subject, sex with an underage child and the discreet love affair that would follow…
The Kiss Before the Mirror Blu-ray review
When the name James Whale is mentioned, cinephiles will automatically think of Frankenstein when identifying the legendary director, and rightfully so. He will always be known for his outstanding direction on the Frankenstein films and other classic horrors from the 1930’s such as The Old Dark House and The Invisible Man. Obviously, his resume goes…
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