Vigilante is Bill Lustig’s follow up to his now classic slasher Maniac. The film tells the story of Eddie Marino (Robert Forster), a factory worker with a house, his wife Vickie (Rutanya Alda), and 3 year old son Scott (Dante Joseph). One day his wife stands up to some members of a street gang that…
Machine Gun McCain (Blue Underground) Blu-ray review
John Cassavetes was the man! Whether Cassavetes is behind the camera (as director), or in front acting usually the end result is fantastic. He is one of those actors that can be put into a bad movie, and elevate it to a higher standard, as long as he in on screen. I don’t mean this…
Maniac UHD Review
The movie title “Maniac” has been used a few times throughout our cinematic history. Dwain Esper’s 1934 shocker, entitled Maniac, which featured Phyllis Diller, was strong stuff for its time especially when a cat’s eyeball is squeezed out of its head. The 1963 Hammer film starring Kerwin Mathews also titled Maniac was decent but nothing…
Franco Forever Volume 1
Vampyros Lesbos, She Killed in Ecstasy, The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus on Blu-ray By Scott MacDonald It has now been over 2 years since we lost the great Jess Franco in April of 2013. Franco as a director had a career that spanned 7 decades, and over 200 films. Most of them bearing his distinct…
Blu-ray Review: 10th Victim, The (Blue Underground)
I have been a fan of Marcello Mastroianni since I first saw 8 1/2 in film school. That first viewing made that film one of my top 10 favorite films of all time, and Marcello one of the greatest actors of the ’60s in my eyes. That being said I never fully explored his filmography,…
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