A group of five festively adorned bank robbers, in the wake of an intense bank heist, are looking for a place to lay low until the heat dies down. They crash at the Jolly Roger Hotel while one of their members, dressed as Santa, acts as a decoy and lures the authorities away from their…
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians & Other Holiday Hallucinations! [AGFA and Something Weird release] Blu-ray review
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (SCCTM) is a notoriously bad movie. The first time I watched it was a Rifftrax Live event where a trio of comedians mocked the film in front of an audience. The event was hilarious. In the recent joint release between AGFA and Something Weird, the movie stands alone, and it…
Infinite Santa 8000 [Synapse Films] Blu-Ray Review
In a desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland a thousand years in the future, in a land where mutants, monsters, robots and crazed killers roam around wreaking havoc on anyone unlucky enough to cross their paths, one man remains with a small shred of hope for the future of the planet, one man who these days is just…
October Mega-Marathon Part 7
With this post, I’m all caught up! Starting tomorrow I’ll be posting what was watched just the previous day, so if anyone is actually reading these things, it’ll be easier to digest. This group covers all watches from October 23rd to October 25th and includes more Asian horror, Brazilian horror, JOSHUA!, alien abductions, Christmas horror…
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