Tag: Cult Epics

Blu-ray Review – Death Laid an Egg (Cult Epics)

Death Laid an Egg is a 1968 giallo film directed by Giulio Questi, who was most known to me previously as the director of my favorite western. The complete and utterly bizarre Django Kill… If He Lives Shoot! Which is one way that Death Laid an Egg could also be described, completely and utterly bizarre….

Augst (Cult Epics) Blu-ray Review

  Angst follows a psychopathic killer played by Erwin Leder. The film opens with his release from prison, where he makes it immediately apparent that prison was the precise correct place for him to be, as right away upon his release he begins narrating his back story about the psychological trauma that led him down his…

Attraction (Cult Epics) DVD Review

Attraction (Nerosubianco) much like his prior film The Howl(L’Urlo) feels like it is channeling the free spirit of the 1960’s on film.  Also, like The Howl the narrative in Attraction seems to take a backseat to the visuals and moods that director Tinto Brass is attempting to create. When I watched the Howl it felt…