Tag: euro-horror

Cushing Curiosities – Blu-ray Boxset Review (Severin Films)

Peter Cushing is not my dad. Please stop asking. I know that he and I have the same bone structure and body type AND level of success/talent, but I checked the DNA and it just ain’t matchin’. Despite not being my father, Peter Cushing was just great. I know you already know it, so let’s…

Masters of Horror Presents: Paul Naschy

Paul Naschy is almost certainly Spain’s most well-known horror actor, portraying in many films variations of many of the classic Universal monsters like Dracula, Frankenstein and Wolfman. In particular, he was perhaps most known for his portrayal of Waldemar Daninsky, a tortured lycanthrope who garnered as much pity as he cultivated scares, that he would…

Director Spotlight: Lamberto Bava

This profile marks the first in what will most likely be a series of Director Spotlight write-ups I’m planning to post here. They are structurally composed of an overview of the director describing his/her aesthetics and style followed by capsule reviews of some of their films, usually less well-known titles in their filmographies that may…

October Mega-Marathon Part 3

This post will be covering Oct. 6th through 8th where I tackled such fun themes as euro horror, found footage, horror from Argentina and Korea and bastions of cheap nonsense like shot-on-video horror and The Asylum. Head to the next page and dig in!…