Detective Story is a 1951 classic crime drama directed by William Wyler and starring screen icon Kirk Douglas and host of screen legends in William Bendix, Craig Hill, Cathy O’Donnell, George Macready, and Gerald Mohr. It’s the story of a day in the life of a few criminals, officers, and detectives, but on this day,…
Vera Cruz (Kino Lorber) Blu-ray review
Vera Cruz is a Western from 1954 starring a pair of screen legends in Burt Lancaster and Gary Cooper and future icon Charles Bronson. Directed by Robert Aldrich, he pushes the bar with characters that don’t care about right or wrong and has a shocking scene where Bert Lancaster’s character threatens to murder child hostages….
Kino Lorber has once again decided to do what is called an ‘actor themed box set’. The sets have included Deanna Durbin, Cary Grant and Carole Lombard. This go-around features the one and only Rock Hudson! The Rock Hudson Blu-ray collection is a box set showcasing three technicolor films early in the career of the…
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