In another installment exploring the films of UK’s famous Hammer Studios, we will take a look at two more of directors who were fairly frequent collaborators with Hammer Productions, John Gilling and Roy Ward Baker. John Gilling John Gilling began his career in the late ‘40s directing, like many of his contemporaries, a series of…
Hammer’s House of Directors Presents: Terence Fisher
In this first of one of my Director’s Profile sub-themes, I’ll be profiling directors who have worked regularly with Hammer Productions, the British B-picture studio that reinvigorated the classic monster film in the ‘50s through ‘70s and brought to prominence great actors like Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. Terence Fisher is associated with Hammer perhaps…
Curse of Frankenstein, The (Warner Archives) Blu-ray Review
Curse of Frankenstein is one of the great masterworks of horror cinema. It established Hammer Horror as a brand and made the screen light up bright red. It’s also a daunting film to write about. What can I possibly add to the discussion that hasn’t been said a thousand times before? Can I do it…
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