Legendary director John Ford’s The Searchers is the story about an American Civil War veteran who goes on a long journey to rescue his niece from the Comanches after the rest of his brother’s family is attacked and murdered during a raid on their farm in Texas. The journey takes several years and has many…
Seven Sinners Blu-ray review
Seven Sinners is a romance drama starring screen icons John Wayne and Marlene Dietrich. This is the first of three films they did together, the other two being The Spoilers and Pittsburg. In this picture, Bijou Blanche (Dietrich) is a femme-fetale singer who continuously gets kicked out of various South Sea Islands because she is…
The Shepherd of the Hills Blu-ray review
The Shepherd of the Hills is a 1941 drama film that stars screen icon John Wayne, along with Betty Field and veteran actor Harry Carey. This movie has gone down in history as being John Wayne’s first appearance in technicolor! The movie had been made before in both 1919 and 1928 and would later be…
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