Tag: Lynda Day-George

Ants!(It Happened at Lakewood Manor) Blu-ray review

Ants! AKA It Happened at Lakewood Manor is a 1977 made for television horror movie. This is another one of those man versus nature films that dominated the seventies along the lines of Frogs, Grizzly, Empire of the Ants, Dogs, Day of the Animals and Long Weekend, among others. This movie takes place at an…

Blu-ray Review – Grizzly/Day of the Animals – Severin Films

It is animal attack month at Severin Films, well aside from the tremendous 4k Santa Sangre release, and in a way that HAD ANIMALS in it (that elephant funeral kills me every time). Earlier in the month we got an excellent release of the underseen sharksploitationer Deep Blood by Italian exploitation king Joe D’Amato, and…