Tag: Pornography

Going Places (1974 film) Blu-ray review

Bertrand Blier’s Going Places (aka Les Valseuses) is a 1974 French comedy drama that is about two guys and lots of girls. French screen legends Miou-Miou, Gérard Depardieu and Patrick Dewaere star in this movie, which is infamous for its look at sexuality, sex acts and loads of nudity! The” plot” has to do with…

Tokyo Decadence Blu-ray review

Tokyo Decadence is what is referred to in Japan as a Japanese pink film which is basically a drama or an action film that contains nudity and is filled with sexual content. This erotic film was directed by Ryū Murakami who was known for surreal films about drugs, murder, and war. The story is about…

A Scream in the Streets Blu-ray review

A Scream in the Streets is 1973 sexploitation film about two Los Angeles detectives Officers Ed Haskell and Bob Streeker (Joshua Bryant and Frank Bannon, respectively) that are assigned to track down and arrest a brutal rapist-murderer terrorizing the city. The assignment is a bit tricky because the killer disguises himself as a woman.  While…

The Naughty Victorians Blu-ray

The Naughty Victorians is an erotic tale set in the Victorian era featuring Beerbohm Tree. In this film, society man Jack (Tree) delights in having sex with women that are tied up in various ways, and has built a home full of contraptions for various forms of bondage sex. His first “victim” is his fiancé…