In a desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland a thousand years in the future, in a land where mutants, monsters, robots and crazed killers roam around wreaking havoc on anyone unlucky enough to cross their paths, one man remains with a small shred of hope for the future of the planet, one man who these days is just…
Rolling Thunder [Shout Select] 4K Blu-ray Review
Major Charles Rane (William Devane) is a returning hero, having finally been freed from a POW camp in Vietnam where he endured terrible experiences that pushed the limits of human endurance. Back on American soil he is reunited with his family but feels ill prepared to ease back into family life. To make matters worse,…
Ben Reads the Horror Classics: All Heads Look Inward and Weep
It’s May! Spring has sprung and those hits just keep on coming. In this installment, we have a classic paranormal detective, a family dynasty steeped in voodoo, a heavily meta demon-possessed typewriter, a tale of revenge and spelunking and a massive omnibus of weird fiction from a particularly unique writer. We got ourselves a whole…
Vinland Saga (Season 1) Complete Collection Blu-ray Review
On August 31, 2021, Sentai Filmworks unveiled on blu-ray the first season of the critically acclaimed viking epic Vinland Saga. Grab an axe and a pint of ale and join me on a bloody crusade of vengeance! The Plot: A young boy named Thorfinn lives his days in peace in a small village outside the…
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