By now you’ve probably heard of Scythe, board game geek’s 2016 pick for Game of the Year, and the many accolades it has received since taking our collective consciousness by storm with its fun strategy mechanics and wild theme. If you haven’t, you should probably rectify that. That said, stepping out from the shadows of…
Tabletop Review – Apiary – Stonemaier Games
It only took two words to pique my interest over Stonemaier’s latest release. Space Bees. The mechanics, the pieces, and everything else aside, those two words completely hooked me. What can I say? A good concept goes a long way for me. All of that information aside, the game itself is delightful. Newcomer Connie Vogelmann…
Tabletop Review – Libertalia – Winds of Galecrest – Stonemaier Games
Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest by Stonemaier Games Review by Ryan Miller Do you like pirates? How about sky pirates? How about anthropomorphic sky pirates? If you’re like me, at least one of those items are going to et your attention. Originally released in 2012 without the subtitle, this updated version of the game ditches the…
Tabletop Review – Scythe – Stonemaier Games
Scythe Review by Ryan Miller (July 2021) By now I shouldn’t have to tell you what a great game Scythe is. In the five years since it arrived on game shelves it has garnered countless rave reviews as a damn near perfect game and it even sits comfortably on Board Game Geek’s top twenty resting…
Tabletop Review – Red Rising – Stonemaier Games
When Stonemaier announced they were creating a board game based on the Red Rising Science Fiction novel series, I almost instantly wrote it off. Stonemaier is an often celebrated game company for their diverse and unique catalog of board games, so why would they tarnish that streak with an existing IP? Jamey Stegmaier, one half…
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