Sixteen-year-old Ami (Mihaya Shirata) is a Singaporean teen haunted by the echoes of the mysterious disappearance of her mother in the wake of the cataclysmic tsunami that tore through eastern Asia in 2011. Her dreams torment her leading her to seek answers from her father who initially acts very cagey and emotionally shut down. He…
Blu-ray Review – Supernatural Season 15 (Warner)
It’s been an impressive fifteen years and a whopping 327 episodes, but we’re here at last: the final season of Supernatural has landed on physical media. No one saw this coming, I’d wager—least of all me. Who would have expected this quirky WB show to amass such a devoted fanbase, to sustain itself for so…
Dark Intruder Blu-ray review
I have been a Leslie Nielsen fan ever since I was first ‘acquainted’ with the great actor during The Naked Gun film trilogy and the Police Squad television series. I loved his role as Lieutenant Frank Drebin, as his line delivery and comedic acting style left me in stitches. I also enjoyed his non-comedic roles…
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