Lily Sullivan (Evil Dead Rise) stars as a disgraced journalist who has holed up in her strikingly lovely house to record a podcast that seeks to unravel a mystery around a series of strange, seemingly otherworldly black bricks that people from all over the world have acquired through bizarre circumstances. The closer to the truth…
Goodbye & Amen [Radiance Films] Blu-ray Review
Tony Musante is CIA operative John Dannahay and has been tasked with working to overthrow an African government while also trying to track down a mole on his team. John Steiner is the double-crossing Agent Grayson who has been working against him. Before Dannahay can confront him, Grayson seeimingly flips out and snipes some folks…
Cushing Curiosities – Blu-ray Boxset Review (Severin Films)
Peter Cushing is not my dad. Please stop asking. I know that he and I have the same bone structure and body type AND level of success/talent, but I checked the DNA and it just ain’t matchin’. Despite not being my father, Peter Cushing was just great. I know you already know it, so let’s…
The Wrong Door Blu-Ray [Visual Vengeance]
Ted Farrell’s night takes a turn for the worse when he peers into his rearview mirror and discovers the dead body of a girl he had met earlier. Ted’s love of mysteries and thrillers is palpable, particularly when he is immersed in his job of sound design on films. But getting pulled into his own…
Play Misty for Me Blu-ray review ( Kino Lorber release)
Play Misty for Me is one of my favorite Clint Eastwood films mainly because I am a lifelong fan of suspenseful thrillers and horror movies, which this movie is. The movie not only stars Clint Eastwood, but it is also directed by him, and is noteworthy of being the first film that he directed. In…
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