In the post-apocalyptic future, mankind has started to live underground until a group of bikers try to start fresh. They soon discover an abandoned building with all of the riches of the past. Like Sugar and flower. Their victory is soon crushed when they run into a horde of flesh hungry rats. RATS is another healthy dose of movie cheese from Italian exploitation director…
The Woman in the Window (Eureka! Masters of Cinema) Blu-ray Review
With his wife and two kids away for a Summer vacation, Psychology Professor Dr. Wanley (Edward G. Robinson) is left all alone to enjoy his work. But his friends can’t help but poke fun at his lack of a sense of adventure. After leaving the gentleman’s club late one evening, He stops to look at…
Geronimo (Twilight Time) Blu-ray Review
Lt. Britton Davis (Matt Damon) tells the story about how he joined the hunt to stop the Apache chief Geronimo (Wes Studi). As the US soldiers get closer to the man known as Geronimo, they soon realize how wrong this world is. Walter Hill is one of the great tough-guy directors. Despite some hiccups like…
Zombie Island Massacre (Vinegar Syndrome) Blu-ray Review
A Caribbean tourist company brings a bunch of Americans to a mysterious island to see a top-secret voodoo ceremony. It seems like a goofy prank at first, but soon it becomes clear that there are real voodoo zombies hiding in the nearby forest. When their tour bus gets stuck in the mud, the tourists soon…
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