Tag: Vinegar Syndrome

Arnold – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

Karen (Stella Stevens) is beside herself with joy. It’s her wedding day and she’s finally going from being the mistress of Lord Arnold Dwellyn to being his wife. There’s just one tiny problem: Arnold is frickin’ dead. Zany! How the cost-cutting trend of pairing both your funeral and wedding on the same day never caught…

Night Screams – 4K Ultra HD / Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

After winning the big game, the football team and their cheerleading ladies are ready to party! But all is not well with star quarterback David, who wishes that the future had something more to offer him than playing with balls. Between the pressure of his overbearing father and the pressure in his head from those…

Villages of the Damned: Three Horrors from Spain – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

El bosque del lobo (1970) tells the tale of Benito the peddler (played by José Luis López Vázquez), an outwardly good-natured fellow who travels from village to village, selling his wares and acting as a guide to fellow travelers. What no one suspects is that Benito is a madman who, for reasons unknown even to…

The Boogey Man – 4K UHD/Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

After a traumatic childhood incident that ended with the murder of their mom’s abusive boyfriend, Lacey and Willy, played by real life siblings, Suzanna and Nicholas Love, have tried to live out quiet but happy lives together on a farm. Lacey is married, has a young son, and has sweet, supportive in-laws. Willy has been…

Psycho Girls – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

Hard-boiled detective fiction writer Richard Foster (John Haslett Cuff) and his wife (Rose Graham) are having a dinner party with some friends to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Unfortunately for them, their housekeeper is Victoria Tusk (Agi Gallus), a madwoman with an even crazier sister named Sarah (Darlene Mignacco), who just escaped from a psychiatric ward…

Sick of Myself Blu-ray Review [Vinegar Syndrome]

Arriving recently from Vinegar Syndrome Pictures (VS’s sub-label that finances and distributes newer films like Censor and The Scary of Sixty-First) comes this twisted Norwegian dark comedy from the director of the under-seen weirdo cult film Drib. Pop a bunch of Lidexol and revel in the adulation because it’s time to dig in! Signe is…

Mexican Gothic: The Films of Carlos Enrique Taboada – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

I am so happy to see that more and more Mexican horror cinema is hitting the format known as Bluish Laser Beam Diskette AKA Blu-ray. When I can look at my shelves and see titles like Rubén Galindo Jr.’s Cemetery of Terror (1985) and Don’t Panic (1987) sitting there, it fills my heart with a…

Bio-Zombie – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

Woody Invincible (Jordan Chan) and Crazy Bee (Sam Lee) are two losers who would give Beavis and Butthead a run for their money. They run a bootleg DVD shop in a mall and spend their days scamming, robbing, mooching, bullying, and harassing both customers and their fellow mall workers alike. They’re terrible dudes, but when…

The Devonsville Terror – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

Picture it: Devonsville, 1683. Some puritanical dickbagels burn three women at the stake. Why oh why did they do this? They think that these totally innocent people are witches! Here comes your fact-filled history lesson, so buckle up, kiddos. Puritans were somewhat anti-witch back in the day. That’s it. Three hundred years later, the same…

The Black Crystal – Blu-ray Review (AGFA/Vinegar Syndrome)

Will (Mike Conway) is cruising out west in his sick Trans Am to go see his brother, who lives in a small town up in the mountains, when he foolishly picks up a sketchy hitchhiker named Justin. They are on the road for about 2 minutes before they are forced off the road by some…