I am old enough to remember when a VHS box set of Ed Wood’s films wrapped in Angora (like Wood’s preferred sweaters) was considered a big deal in the realm of cult cinema. Now in late May of 2020, in the midst of the worst pandemic in 100 years, Severin Films has given viewers a comprehensive Blu-ray box set of Al Adamson’s work. Work that has previously been released by grey market companies and Troma in less than stellar editions.

I would like to say we would be reviewing the whole of the set, but that is not to be. However, Severin, and specifically their newly inaugurated Severin Kids line have seen fit to send over Al Adamson’s attempt at penetrating the family market, Carnival Magic. Adamson’s track record is not a stellar one from a mainstream perspective, but he was truly a cinematic outsider that was willing to try any genre to make a buck, and try anything in that genre and see if it worked. In any ways Carnival Magic epitomizes that aesthetic.

It’s a kid film, sort of, but it’s probably the most utterly fucked up kids film ever attempted. It makes H.G. Lewis’ Jimmy the Boy Wonder look positively Disney-esque in comparison. The film centers around a carnival run by Stoney (Mark Weston) who has a problem. He has a feud between his magician Markov and his tiger trainer Kirk. Kirk convinces Stoney to let Markov go, but before can, Bud, who is actually a woman named Ellen intervenes and convinces Markov to revamp his act using his pornography loving chimp Alex. This works, and they become the new carnival sensation, of course, Kirk is not happy, and is still looking to find a way to get Markov out of the carnival scene.

OK, so Carnival Magic has a G rating, but this came from an era where you could have boobs in a PG movie, so keep that in mind when watching this. Because Carnival Magic is a totally off-the-rails messed up excuse of a kids film, and it is all the better for it. If your kids were disturbed by Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and the recent Severin release of The Peanut Butter Solution, then this one might be a bit much. Of course, if you enjoy both of those films, except through the lens of Al Adamson check this out.

Believe it or not, this is the 2nd Blu-ray release of Carnival Magic. The first was a less than stellar release from Film Chest that was smeared in noise reduction from about 10 years ago. I did keep it until now, because this is the type of film you always want to have on hand to disturb friends and their children. Still the Severin Films restoration is the way to go, if you have a choice. The film has a new scan presented with a 1080p AVC encoded transfer and looks much more natural, and filmlike. Colors are stable, detail is fine, but there is damage from the source material in places, that is to be expected and available sources are limited. Audio is handled by a DTS-HD Audio track in English that sounds clear and without any obvious issues. Extras include a commentary by Elvis Feltner, an appreciation by Lars Nilsen and Zack Carlson, outtakes, a TV spot, and a trailer. There are also rushes for a Lost Al Adamson family film The Happy Hobo. This film is ridiculous, and amazing, and you need it in your life.


Director – Al Adamson

Cast – Don Stewart, Joe Cirillo

Country of Origin – U.S.

Discs – 1

Distributor – Severin Films

Reviewer – Scott MacDonald