Domestic Girlfriend follows Natsuo, an aspiring writer, and full-time ladies man who has eyes on his teacher Tachibana. During a cocktail party, he ends up taking a girl named Rui home for the night. The next day his Dad announces his upcoming marriage and invites his bride to be over with her 2 daughters. When the trio arrive it turns out the kids daughters are Tachibana, and Rui. This immediately freaks all 3 out, you’d think they’d stop their flirting and sex-capades, but nope. These soon to be step-siblings just begin to have sleazy make out sessions on the side. They don’t know exactly how to deal with their feelings in lieu of the fact that they are soon to be related and their actions now border on incestuous.

I’m going to say it. I enjoyed the Hell out of “Domestic Girlfriend”. It’s very-very-very soap opera in its approach with a will they, won’t they, are they really? Thing going on here. At the same time it doesn’t push away any of the 3 mains feelings because they find themselves in their present situation, and understandably so.

The other thing is, while most people would write the show off as a sleazy concept, and in many ways it is. It’s not sleazy in execution. There is one scene of masturbation, and a lot of secret makeout scenes, but it’s not incest Hentai or anything by any stretch. I’ve seen a lot of hate for this one out there, and while some of it is trite, and overdramatic, a lot of it compelling and a dash fun to watch.

Sentai Filmworks presents Domestic Girlfriend in a splendid 1:78:1 1080p AVC encoded transfer that brings out the animation quite well. Detail is solid, colors are stable, and everything look quite nice. Audio is presented in English and Japanese DTS-HD 2.0 tracks that sound crisp, clean, and without issue. Extras include clean opening and closing. RECOMMENDED.