Dream Demon is a film I have to admit I had not even heard of when it showed up in my mailbox. I did not do any research on the film prior to watching it, and honestly, have to admit I was none too excited to see it. But that all changed within the first 30 seconds during the introductory dream sequence of the film, and the humorous splatter geyser that follows.

Dream Demon stars Jemma Redgrave (Doctor Who’s Kate Lethbridge Stewart) as Diana, a young virginal woman who is about to marry Oliver, a straight laced military man. Oliver is a hero in the controversial Falklands conflict, and that controversy has followed back to Diana, who is now being plagued by investigative reporters. If only that were her only problem, when Diana dreams she has nightmares which become true to reality and the people around her become victims of her dreamscapes. The only help she has is an American researching her familial background Jenny.

I’ll cut to the chase, I had no expectations for Dream Demon, and it ended up blowing my mind. I put it on yesterday morning and sat in place transfixed the entire time. Yes, the film has visual queues taken from Clive Barker’s first Hellraiser film, and it does take elements liberally from Nightmare on Elm Street, and yet it feels like its own thing. The characters have a solid chemistry, and one does feel for their plight. The visuals from director Harley Cokeliss (Black Moon Rising) are quite imaginative, and work well to create a surreal sensibility here.

Arrow Video presents Dream Demon in a very solid 1:85:1 1080p transfer that looks very solid without much in the way of issues. Audio is a 2.0 HD track in English that is crisp and clear. Extras include a select scene commentary track, a making of, interviews with the cast and crew and a gallery of images. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.