This week I had a conversation with someone about European horror over a Zoom meeting. Behind me is a mini-poster of Horror of the Zombies (aka Amando de Ossorio’s The Ghost Galleon), and it was inquired as to what that film was. It was then asked what the differences were between European and American horror. If anyone remembers those 90’s Apple Jacks I felt like sort of like I was in one of those “Why do you like those?”

“Well, I just do.”

I didn’t say that, but tried to give a simple explanation. I feel like a film like Massacre in Dinosaur Valley covers part of why I love these films. I know you might be thinking “Massacre in Dinosaur Valley, seriously? Why?”. I mean my love for Italian and in turn Eurohorror came from films like Suspiria and Zombie, but over the years I’ve fallen hard for the more wild side of Italian cinema and Massacre in Dinosaur Valley feels like a great example of that.

The film stars Michael Sopkiw as Kevin Hall, an Indiana Jones knock off if there ever was one. He ends up on a plane to the Amazon that ends up crashing, and leaving him and a few others trapped in DINOSAUR VALLEY! Where they find themselves at the mercy of piranha, and cannibals, but sadly not dinosaurs! The film is no Cannibal Ferox, but it is an insane, occasionally gory, and totally wild ride. The performances are fun, and it just flows insanely well from one crazed set piece to the next.

Severin Films presents Massacre in Dinosaur Valley in a splendid 1:85:1 1080p transfer scanned from an uncut original negative. This a real thing of beauty here. Everything looks natural, and film like. There is some minor compression, but nothing much to complain about. Colors pop, blacks are deep, detail is excellent. Audio is handled by HD tracks in English and Italian. These come through clear and crisp, without issue. Extras include interviews with Dardano Sacchetti, Michael Sopkiw, deleted scenes, trailers, and Italian credits. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.