When A Certain Scientific Accelerator hit my mailbox, I was unaware of this entry in the Index saga. So needless to say I had to squeeze in the time to watch it being a fan of the entries in the series I have seen so far. This series follows the antagonist of the prior entries Accelerator. He is considered the most powerful psychic in Academy City, and is trying to recover, and rest when he finds his recovery interrupted by Esther, a necromancer who is trying to escape from DA or Disciplinary Action, a rebel police force. Accelerator ends up working trying to stop DA from their plans to create Level 6 Espers from the dead using Esther.

OK, so let’s start with this. If you are new to the Index franchise. Do not start with this show. It’s freaking amazing, but at the very least watch Index 1 and 2, get familiar with the universe and ACCELERATOR, and then come back and watch this. It will be more rewarding and less confusing if you do. It is definitely watchable without, but more so altogether.

With that out of the way the Accelerator anime is a blast for fans of index. It is darker, more violent, and just totally over the top. I had a load of fun with these 12 episodes, and probably could have watched 12 more. The animation here is spectacular, and really channels the vibe of the show. The music is outstanding, and this is one of the best overall series I’ve seen this year.

The Blu-ray from Funimation is presented with a 1080p AVC encoded transfer which looks quite excellent. Audio is 5.1 English and 2.0 Japanese HD tracks, both sound crisp, clear, and excellent. Extras include commercials, bonus videos, clean opening and closing, and a bonus anime. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.