If you look up into the EuroCultAV banner, you’ll see Hugo Stiglitz. That’s not just any Hugo Stiglitz, that is Hugo Stiglitz from this film Cemetery of Terror, so needless to say when this month’s Vinegar Syndrome pile came in the mail, this film went straight to the top. The films of Rubén Galindo Jr., have never been truly appreciated on home video, and it seems over this fall Vinegar Syndrome are finally doing something about that with Blu-ray releases of Grave Robbers, Cemetery of Terror, and seemingly Don’t Panic.

Cemetery of Terror involves a group of teenagers that decide instead of going to a rock concert they’ll go to a “jet set party” that doesn’t exist. So they end up at an abandoned creepy house with an occult book contained inside. They use the book to resurrect a dead psychopath named Devlon.

Cemetery of Terror has Stiglitz play Devlon’s former doctor (think a Loomis stand in). Who was convinced in life that Devlon was a demon and is more so even in death. This all ends in a huge zombie rumble somehow lead by Devlon in a cemetery where a bunch of kids were hanging out prior to trick or treating. This is the wild highlight of this film overall.

It’s been about 10 years since I’ve seen Cemetery of Terror, and it’s still a load of fun, but it kind of slows down after the first part of the film. It spends about 40 minutes just kind of meandering and things really pick up, but when they do it becomes brilliant. There is some definite some amazing splatter here with great zombie makeup FX.

Vinegar Syndrome presents Cemetery of Terror in a fantastic 1080p AVC encoded Blu-ray that looks phenomenal, colors pop, blacks are inky and deep, details are excellent. Audio is presented in a DTS-HD mono mix that is clear and audible. Extras include a commentary with Ruben Galindo Jr. A commentary track by Hysteria Lives, an interview with the director, a video conference with Rene Cardona III, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.