I’m sure I’ve mentioned that my love of anime started in the 80’s with shows like Dragon Warrior and Robotech. So when I get a new 80’s anime in the mail, I pretty much throw it in right away. The feel of 80’s anime (or Japanimation as we wrongly called it FOR YEARS), still gives me a certain feel that attracts me to it. Maybe it’s nostalgia or just an attachment to the style.

Locke the Superman is not one I’d heard of when it got dropped at my door, but I knew that I had to see it immediately, and being an OVA the time investment here was minimal, so I got right to it. So first things first, and I guess this should be obvious. This has ZERO to do with DC Comics Superman. This Superman is named Locke, and is basically a dude with psychic powers. He teleports where he wants to go, and projects force fields (think Sue Storm), and can throw stuff around with his mind.

So basically Locke is an esper, recruited by the government to fight against an army of other espers being put together by Lady Khan. The story is a bit wild as older anime tends to be. The action is all over the place, and the concluding battle needs to be seen to be believed.

I believe what we have here is a 1080p widescreen version of the uncut version of Locke. There were edited down versions in the past, and this is definitely not that. Everything looks solid here, it’s not perfect and crisp, but will certainly please fans looking for an upgrade. Audio is a Japanese DTS-HD audio track that will do the trick, and sounds quite solid. No extras, still HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.