I have been writing for about 2-3 years now about the resurgence of Jose Larraz on home video. I thought it was great when we got Symptoms on Blu-ray at long last, but then we got a bunch of films from Arrow, and now Rest in Pieces from Vinegar Syndrome. It’s crazy to think that Larraz was once defined pretty much by Vampyres and Black Candles, and now has so much of his fun and excellent filmography on Blu-ray.

Helen Hewitt (Lorin Jean Vail) has inherited the estate of her Aunt that has recently commit suicide. As soon as they arrive weird stuff begins to happen to Helen, including 2 near fatal incidents. Of course her husband wants to stay long enough to find Helen’s Aunt’s fortune which is apparently buried on the premise.

I won’t call Rest in Pieces a high point in the Larraz’ filmography, but it is fun one, and a weird one. It turns out that the house staff and neighbors are undead, and worship Helen’s Aunt Catherine who wants Helen to join their undead ranks. As such it reminded me of another Vinegar Syndrome title “Grave Robbers” (The English one), with it’s weird domestic vibe. The film has decent gore, and nudity, and is just weird enough for some late night fun.

Vinegar Syndrome presents the film in a 1080p 1:85:1 transfer that looks splendid. Nice detail, colors, and deep blacks. Audio is a DTS-HD Mono track that is effective in conveying the sound of the piece. Extras include another excellent commentary by Samm Deighan and Kat Ellinger, an interview with Scott Thompson Baker, and 2 soundtrack options. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.