Assassin’s Pride is sort of interesting. The world it was set in had a vibe I almost immediately liked, and wanted to spend some time in, and getting to know. The story itself wasn’t entirely compelling, it had a spark at the start, and then picked up as it went along. Basically, the premise as such is this.

The future is sort of apocalyptic. There are monsters outside the city of Flandore, and the only people who can save the people from them are the magic using nobles. They get their magic is acquired when they come of age, and are tested. One of our main characters Melida has failed to develop magic, and her Grandfather has called upon her to be assassinated by Kufa Vampir.

Kufa takes pity on her, gives her mana as magic, which is basically law breaking and sends them on the run for their lives. The series borders on romance at times, but also chase and action. It doesn’t quite get there, but it gets an occasional pass. The animation is above average, but nothing to write home about. The series is given a solid 1080p 1:78:1 transfer that looks solid, and has 2 audio tracks English and Japanese HD 2.0. Extras include clean opening and closing and episode previews.