Killing Bites follows the exploits of Yuya and Hitomi. As the series opens Yuya is an accomplice to the Hitomi’s kidnapping and attempted gang-rape (this is hard to watch). He tries to put a stop to it, but as it turns out, Hitomi was straight up able to do that by brutally killing her kidnappers. As it turns out Hitomi is a “Therianthrone” a hybrid engineered fighter that is part animal whose sole purpose is to fight in underground death matches, which is what she does. But she needs a sponsor to put up their organs. Yuya, will of course, handle the job from the first episode on, as Hitomi enters the brutal underground circuit.

OK, so I see both a lot of love and a lot of hate out their for Killing Bites. I will say I fall in the middle. I love the action, the opening attempted rape was a bit hard to stomach coming right out of the gate. But overall I enjoyed it as a dumb fun time. That being said when it wasn’t riding high on action, it wasn’t as entertaining. The animation was solid, however, and at 12 episodes it was the perfect length to deal with as far as the type of content being offered.

Sentai Filmworks presents Killing Bites in a series of solid 1:78:1 1080p AVC encoded transfers. Everything looks quite solid here, and is presented without issue. Audio is Japanese DTS-HD 2.0 and comes through crisp and clear. Extras include clean opening, clean closing, and trailers. RECOMMENDED