Somehow I had never heard of Death Promise before it had landed on my doorstep. After having watched its Death Wish meets Kung Fu trash charms, I am not just sold, I am addicted. I have started the day finding friends to tell about the film.

The film follows Charley Roman, a karate-fighter, whose Dad lives in a dive tenement in New York City. The residents are being treated like shit by a corporation who are trying to drive them out by mistreating them to the extreme. This includes turning off water, lights, and getting rats into the building amongst other things. One of their techniques also involves allowing gangs to run rampant into the building. Charley ends up dealing with them IN THE KARATE WAY. But his Dad insist in having them released every time, this ends up blowing up in Charley’s Dad’s face, when he ends up killed. This sends Charley on a mission of revenge, but not before he can TRAIN WITH A KARATE MASTER!

OHHHH wow, this film is a total grimy grindhouse blast, and I wish I’d seen it much sooner. This film has everything amazingly bizarre fight scenes, dubbing that is so wrong it’s right, a disco theme you’ll want to grab a 7” vinyl copy of so you can have your own Death Promise dance party, amazing sound effects, oddball nudity, and much more.

Vinegar Syndrome presents Death Promise with a very solid and natural looking transfer from the film presented 1:85:1 1080p from a 2k scan. Everything here looks quite solid. Colors are mostly stable, detail is fine, not much in the way of issues. Audio is handled by a DTS-HD MA 2.0 mono track in English. Extras include an interview with Jim Markovic the film editor, a trailer, and a still gallery. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.