Hanger is a supremely gory Canadian film from 2009 and is a ghastly tale about bloody vengeance. And yes, I do mean bloody with a capital B!

The story of Hanger is nothing all that complicated. Rose Pedals (Debbie Rochon) is killed while having a forced abortion in an alley by sadistic Leroy Washington(Ronald Patrick Thompson). The abortion is botched; the baby is left in the alley, and later grows up to become Hanger (Nathan Dashwood). He returns to severely punish Leroy and others that get in his way.

Hanger is not a good movie in any way, shape or form. It is a gore lovers delight with nothing but nauseating gore scenes throughout. I found it to be repulsive and offensive. The film is loaded with bloody scenes and nudity which may not be such a bad thing, if in a decent film. The entire plot takes a backseat to all the exploitative gore and nudity. The acting and cinematography for this trash flick are just terrible. This is so tasteless and yucky that Hanger was banned in Germany and Australia.

Unearthed Films and MVD Entertainment present Hanger on Blu-ray in a 2-disc collector’s edition

The widescreen 1:78:1 image looks decent with colors looking rich and bold, especially reds, which Hanger is filled with due to all the blood and guts. While not perfect I think it was serviceable with an occasionally grindhouse look. Since it was shot on video, do not expect anything all that glamorous.  

The 5.1 surround soundtrack comes in clearly with all the noises, sounds, screaming and dialog sounding excellent with no issues detected. The action noises were more on the aggressive side.

There are plenty of extras for Hanger staring with a commentary track with director Ryan Nicholson.

Behind the Stoma: The Making and Taking of Hanger,

Taking of Hanger Enough Dope to Hang Yourself With: On The Set with Lloyd Kaufman, Rose’s Bush: Starring Leroy Washington are some featurettes that go into detail about

Blooper Reel, deleted scenes, trailers and a stills gallery

The second disc has over 16 hours of outtakes and behind the scenes footage

Hanger will be suitable who love trashy, ultra-gory cinema, nasty characters and various shots of genitalia. A recommended release for this who enjoy trash cinema!


Director- Ryan Nicholson

Cast- Debbie Rochon, Nathan Dashwood

Country of Origin-Canada

Distributor – Unearthed Films

Number of Discs – 2

Reviewed by – David Steigman
