Overboard follows Joanne (Goldie Hawn) and Dean (Kurt Russell). Joanne is a rich heiress, who is currently running around the world in a yacht with her equally snobby husband Grant. Grant and Joanne arrive in Elk Grove, OR. Where Joanne hires Dean to remodel her shoe closet, when she is not pleased with the work, she knocks Dean’s tools into the water, and Dean with them, upsetting the handyman, and causing him to lose his livelihood.

Later in the night she realizes her wedding ring is out on the deck, and ends up falling overboard. In a cinematic turn of events Joanne ends up with amnesia, and in a hospital in Elk Grove, Grant, having tired of his wife abandons her for the life of the party, while Dean pretends to be her husband to make her work of the work he didn’t get paid for. Unfortunately, for Dean he might end up falling for the blank slate that Joanne currently is…

I know I had seen Overboard sometime in the 80’s or early 90’s on TV, but for some reason in the years in between I had put the whole film on a boat in my head. Needless to say I was excited for Severin Films to put this one back on my radar, as though romantic comedies are not a genre I typically appreciate this one ended up being a well-written, charming film that definitely works for the most part (OK, the main story point, probably wouldn’t exactly fly in 2021, but still…). Watching it with my wife, we both couldn’t help but be charmed by it.

The lead performances by Hawn and Russell are pitch-perfect, and the two have excellent on screen chemistry. The kids are perfectly cast, and offer great comedic contract to the adults in the picture. Also, of note is Katherine Helmond as Joanne’s mother who is searching for her throughout the film. I felt like this character could have been a companion to Sam’s mother in Brazil.

Severin Films presents Overboard with a 1080p transfer that looks solid, with no issues and audio in English, French, and Spanish. Everything comes through crisp and clear with no issues. Extras include an interview with screenwriter Leslie Dixon and a trailer. RECOMMENDED!