The influence of the Most Dangerous Games seem to have not strayed for from the world of EuroCult cinema in the 70’s. In the past Mondo Macabro themselves have released at least 2 films that I can think that have channeled the themes of the story, with last year’s release of Seven Women for Satan, and the Jess Franco classic Countess Perverse. Now the influence of that particular fiction can be seen in one of their 3 recent LE’s in the amazingly titled “It’s Nothing Mama, Just a Game”.

It’s Nothing Mama, Just a Game stars Blow Out/Deep Red actor David Hemming’s as Juan. Juan is a sadist who hunts and kills woman for pleasure. As the film opens in fact, he is chasing a woman down in a bunny suit, while riding a horse (this is brilliant, by the way). Juan, it turns out (and the title kind of gives this away) lives in an epic estate with his Mother. Who knows about his extracurricular activities, and actually pushes him to do them (a different kind of soccer mom here). When Juan turns his eyes to Lola, one of the women under his family’s employment he finds that she is tougher than he could have imagined.

It’s Nothing Mama, Just a Game is a brutal film, and very unrelenting and claustrophobic. The film is well-directed and paced by Jose Maria Forque, and there is not a misplaced minute. The performances across the board are fantastic, but of course, Hemmings really brings Juan to life perfectly, of course, in doing that he creates a truly despicable character, but he’s great to watch.

Mondo Macabro presents “It’s Nothing Mama, Just a Game” in a fantastic 1080p transfer from 4k scan that looks marvelous and film like. Color reproduction is excellent, detail is fantastic, and there are no noticeable issues. Audio is handled with DTS-HD 2.0 tracks in English and Spanish that come through clear and crisp. As far as extras we get a fantastic commentary by Kat Ellinger, and a video essay by Chris O’Neill on David Hemmings. Following that are 2 trailers with the films alternate titles Beyond Erotica and Lola. Mondo Macabro’s release of It’s Nothing Mama, Just a Game comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.