Infinite Stratos is a 2011 anime series that has already had a Blu-ray release about a decade ago, followed by a sequel series. A third series is now on the horizon (8 years after the 2nd), and I assume that is the reason for this timely re-release. Infinite Stratos is based off a light novel series started in 2009 and written by Izuru Yumizuru.

The series exist in a world where exoskelton suits called “Infinite Stratos” have been invented. These suits, rather than being used for warfare, are used for competitive fighting sport. The one caveat to all this is that these suits are only usable by women, and thus only women are trained to use them. That is until Ichika Orimura comes along and proves he can use the suits. He is then enrolled in an IS academy, where he proves himself as a worthy competitor, and “love interest” to fellow Stratos-using students.

Infinite Stratos, well I’ll just say it’s fun. I mean it really is. I watched these one a day every night for about 2 weeks, and never really complained. Yeah, it’s definitely a “harem” series, and some of the time that puts me off, but it a decent sense of humor, and some cool choreographed combat scenes in each episode.

Sentai presents the series in a 1:78:1 1080p AVC encoded transfer. Everything here looks great, and also sounds great courtesy of Japanese and English audio tracks. Extras are plentiful here with Interviews with Japanese voice cast, and directors, episodic commentaries, OVA, and MORE! RECOMMENDED!