So again this is a series I feel like it needs a primer. Tsukipro – The Animation is part of a multimedia franchise that goes back to 2012. This is a franchise that started with Tsukiuta, and involves a series of Japanese pop groups in various forms including dramas, super groups, etc. This is not an anime to pick up and watch for a plot or anything like a story.

What story we have here is 4 bands SolidS, Soara, and 2 newbies Growth and Quell as they struggle to make it big. Each episode is like a slice of life into each band. The animation isn’t very deep, but is stylistically different for each group, and we get animated performances for each one. If this is your sort of thing, then definitely pick it up.

Sentai presents it in a 1080p 16×9 transfer that looks solid with an exclusive Japanese only track (with English subs). Clean Opening and closing are included.