Love Brides of the Blood Mummy is a French/Spanish co-production directed by Ken Ruder I’ve heard about for decades, but have only now just seen due to the new release by Mondo Macabro. The film follows an Egyptologist, James Barton, who has heard rumors of a local Count having actual mummies in his possession. As it turns out the rumor is true and Lord Dartmoor, is in the midst of bringing an ancient son of a high priest back to life using knowledge he’s accumulated through his studies.

Unfortunately for Dartmoor, this mummy has woken up on the wrong side of the bed, and almost immediately imprisons him, and hypnotizes his butler to become his murderous slave. The butler then goes out into the British countryside capturing women so that the Egyptian can have blood to survive. Once Dartmoor’s daughter arrives it becomes an even darker situation.

So what we have in Love Brides of the Blood Mummy is an occasionally solid mix of atmospheric rural British horror ala Symptoms or Living Dead at Manchester Morgue with softcore sexploitative horror. The opening half hour of the film leans more heavily into the atmospherics of the location and does a nice job of setting up the premise, well the middle portion of the film sort of hammer home the Egyptian’s need for blood through the capture of naked women. I’m not going to turn down nudity and violence in a film, mind you, but after a while it did feel a bit repetitive. The conclusion did feel like a solid conclusion overall.

The Blu-ray contains 2 versions of the film an extended version that runs 6 minutes longer than an included horror version that runs about 96 minutes, also included is a cut down 8 mm version. Mondo Macabro presents Love Brides of the Blood Mummy in a splendid 4k transfer at 1080p and it looks quite filmlike and well detailed. Audio is given options at French and English, both sound solid, and without issues. Extras aside from alternative versions include a David Flint commentary track, alternate scenes, trailers, and galleries.