I haven’t seen Freeway since the 1990’s. This film which stars Reese Witherspoon as an illiterate teenager from a really messed up home life, is a fairy tale adaptation. This one, of course, is an adaptation of Red Riding Hood. In this one Witherspoon plays Vanessa, a teenage girl who finds her shitty existence turned further turned awry when the police bust her Mom and her Stepfather, giving her 2 options a teenage correctional facility or living with Grandma. She takes the latter, but to do so has to get there. She steals a car, which promptly breaks down along a freeway, and gets her stuck with Bob played by Lost Boy’s Keifer Sutherland, the wolf of this story.

Adapting fairy tales to modern frameworks isn’t exactly anything, but a cliché at this point, but Freeway is one film that just NAILS IT. Even though going in a viewer might be able to predict the outcome, it is a fun, freaky, darkly-comic ride that is never a bit boring. The cast lead by Witherspoon, but packed with actual star power including Sutherland, Brooke Shields, Amanda Plummer, Brittany Murphy, and others is spectacular, and the film has a score by Danny Elfman that just works wonders.

Freeway comes to Blu-ray uncut from the 35mm camera negative and looks spectacular on 4k. Everything here looks AMAZING. Details are excellent, colors pop, everything is filmlike and grain is solid and natural. Audio is presented in a DTS-HD 2.0 track that comes through clear and crisp without issue. Extras include 2 commentary tracks, multiple on-camera interviews, archival interviews and featurettes and more. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!