Overboard follows Joanne (Goldie Hawn) and Dean (Kurt Russell). Joanne is a rich heiress, who is currently running around the world in a yacht with her equally snobby husband Grant. Grant and Joanne arrive in Elk Grove, OR. Where Joanne hires Dean to remodel her shoe closet, when she is not pleased with the work,…
It Happened at the World’s Fair Blu-ray review
In my lifetime, I have seen thousands of films, but It Happened at the World’s Fair is the very first movie that I have seen the iconic musician Elvis Presley act in which sounds crazy, but I am not a die-hard musical fan outside of the immortal classic The Wizard of Oz and a few…
Blu-ray Review – Escape from L.A. (Scream Factory)
Scream Factory has a fever, and the only cure for it, is putting out more John Carpenter films. Seriously, the label has pretty much put out every John Carpenter film on Blu-ray and with Twilight Time going under I feel like the rights to Christine will be going up soon, VCI might one day be…
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