Time Out of Mind is Film Noir drama from 1947 that is directed by legendary director Robert Siodmak who directed some Noirs in his career which includes Criss Cross, The Killers, and Cry of the City The story focuses on Christopher Fortune (Robert Hutton, The Slime People, The Invisible Invaders, They Came from Beyond Space)…
The Suspect Blu-ray review
The Suspect is a 1944 drama thriller that stars screen icon Charles Laughton, along with veteran actors Henry Daniel, Rosalind Ivan and Mary Gray. The story is about an unhappily married man that wants leave his wife for something happier, but she refuses to divorce him, so he kills her! The film takes place in…
Cobra Woman Blu ray review
Jon Hall, who starred in The Invisible Agent, and The Invisible Man’s Revenge for Universal, is visible here starring as Ramu in the 1944 adventure film, Cobra Woman. The key plot for this story is Ramu’s fiancée Tollea(Maria Montez) has been kidnaped, and along with his friend Kado (Sabu) venture off to a pacific island…
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