Tag: Sony

Arena (Sony) DVD Review

Denver firefighter David Lord (Kellan Lutz) has the ideal life: a good job, his beautiful wife Lori (Nina Dobrev), and best of all he’s about to become a father. But one sunny afternoon a devastating car accident takes all that away. Racked with grief David flees to Acapulco to drown his sorrows in booze. Enticed…

Amour (Sony) Blu-ray Review

Michael Haneke’s Amour is a devastating and beautiful film from the Austrian auteur who brought us such amazing films as Benny’s Video, Cache, The Piano Teacher, and possibly most popularly Funny Games. This, is, of course, to be expected from Haneke’s films which are usually on some level equal parts disturbing, beautifully shot, and emotionally…

The Amazing Spider-Man (Sony) Blu-ray Review

     Did Spider-Man really need another origin story? Since 1963 the story of Spider Man’s origin has been told so many time it should be committed to almost anyone with a passing familiarity with superheroes or popular fiction. It was only a little over 10 years ago that Sam Raimi brought Spider Man’s origin story to…

Attack The Block (Sony) Blu-ray Review

I’m going to cut to the chase, Attack the Block is probably the best damn alien invasion film I have seen in a long time. Attack the Block is the debut feature from director Joe Cornish, previously known as a member of the comedy duo Adam and Joe. Many director’s end up choosing genre film…